Tricia Lynne
Fluent in both sarcasm and cuss words, Tricia Lynne has little filter between her mouth and brain, and her over-active imagination can turn the simplest nursery rhymes into sexual innuendo––a talent that tends to embarrass her husband in public places.
A lover of hard rock and good Irish whiskey, Tricia raised hell, raced bicycles––including BMX––and will always be a tomboy who prefers her Vans to her heels. Taking the practical road through college, she earned degrees in both sociology and accounting, but her heart was always in writing. When an unfortunate series of knee surgeries kept her from working, she finally had the time to chase her dream, and within half a heartbeat, story ideas started to swim in her head. A voracious reader, Tricia devours at least two books a week, and there is no genre she loves to read more than romance. Be it erotic, paranormal, contemporary, sci-fi, young adult, mystery or suspense, she loves knowing the happy ending awaits. When she’s not writing, Tricia spends time with her husband and their two goofy, but extremely cute, dogs. She participates in dog agility, loves to swim, and, of course, she reads. She also makes frequent trips back to her hometown in Illinois, where she has a huge extended family. |